Amazing Plant Proteins To Get Into Your Diet

bean plant protein

Where do you get your protein from?

Let’s first discuss the fact that protein is in ALL foods. 

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and they are found in all food, even fruit! The amino acids in food come in varying amounts and contain different types. It’s important to get all of the amino acids in your diet because our bodies use all these variants to build and repair.

Eating a wide variety of plants can help you achieve the health and fitness you are looking for. 

Debunking protein myths

Proper nutrition for after your workout is so important to your results. But, there is no need for meat or dairy to gain muscle and/or lean out. 

You need protein, not meat.

You need omega 3’s, not eggs or fish.

You need calories, not animal products.

This list keeps going and I hope you get the idea. You don’t need animal foods or animal proteins to thrive.

Read about the importance of protein here.

Amazing plant proteins

If you are looking for the plant protein with the richest amount of protein we will talk about that now. 

I change these up regularly so as to not get sick of one. Plus they can all be so good in different ways. There are a few you can mix and match to make it a meal replacement. 

Here are five amazing plant food proteins that are great to add into your diet and even to boost your post workout nutrition:

  1. Tofu or tempeh
  2. Pea protein
  3. Beans
  4. Quinoa
  5. Edamame
  6. Lentils

Many of these contain all or many of the amino acids we talked about above. So let’s deep dive into each.

tofu plant protein salad

Tofu or tempeh

Tofu and tempeh are made from soybeans. I usually aim to get organic kinds as soy farming has been known to use a lot of pesticides. For the tofu try making tofu scramble and for the tempeh break it up into crumbles and add it to any dishes you would have used ground beef- like burritos with beans, spices, and vegetables. Yummy!

Pea protein

Peas? Yes, peas! Eat the real thing or supplement with a pea protein powder you can mix in your smoothies. This is a high protein nutrient dense option you can sneak into many of your meals.

plant protein beans salad


There is a far and wide variety of beans out there. They all have different nutrients, various amounts of protein, and loads of fiber. My favorite is chickpeas (also known as garbanzo beans) You can turn chickpeas into hummus as well!

Check out my healthy taco recipe using black beans.


Although technically a seed, it is classified as a whole grain due to its properties and nutrient balance. It is a great source of protein and fiber. I love making a quinoa salad with kale, and raisins. Top it with a blend of tahini and coconut aminos. 


One of my favorite beans that needed its own line. Edamame pairs beautifully with a tahini based dressing or dip. Or get the edamame still in its pod. Steam it, top with salt and cayenne and enjoy as a protein rich snack! Check out this other awesome health benefits of edamame.


These are rich in flavor and amino acids. I love to add these to soups or chili. They have a very interesting flavor that stands out and goes well with spicy dishes!

Why choose a plant protein versus a meat or dairy protein?

By choosing a plant protein you are avoiding the hormones, and cholesterol that come along with eating meat. Plant proteins also contain fiber, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and polyphenols that meat does not! This is all on top of the fact that you don’t have to take a life for your food. Think about it. You are choosing to eat life instead of death when you choose plant protein. Get your muscle gains from the earth!!!

Some fears people have with plant protein is that they don’t contain all of the amino acids but in fact some plant proteins like tofu, tempeh, edamame, and pea protein contain all the amino acids you need. 

The way you should look at your day is to eat a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and seeds and then occasionally have those high protein plants and you will be just fine in the protein department. 

I’ve been vegan for almost four years now and haven’t once had trouble hitting my protein requirement. Go plants!
But, what about carbohydrates? Check out why I think carbohydrates are so important.

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