Yoga and Yoga Therapy Health Benefits

discover the health benefits of yoga and yoga therapy

Yoga and yoga therapy health benefits are unending, but I’ll share the most important reasons why its attracting people of all ages and all health ranges.

What is Yoga?

Yoga is a spiritual and asctetic discipline, focused on breath control, simple meditation and body postures. All used for health benefits and relaxation of the mind and body.

What is Yoga Therapy?

Yoga Therapy is an instructional based Yoga practice and teaching that is used to prevent, reduce or alleviate structural, physiological, emotional and spiritual pain, suffering or limitations. Usually this is taught one-on-one for the specific conditions and purpose of individuals by specially trained yoga teachers or therapists.

discover the health benefits of yoga and yoga therapy

What are some of the health benefits of yoga and yoga therapy?

  • Safe guided asanas/movements (yoga therapy)
  • Proper spinal alignment (yoga therapy)
  • Muscle strengthening
  • Flexibility improvement
  • Mental awareness and clarity through meditation
  • One-on-one instructor guidance (in most yoga therapy sessions)
  • Lung strength through focused breath-work

Yoga isn’t as intimidating as you think.

Yoga class doesn’t always mean intense stretches, pretzel body positions and headstands. Everyone has different fitness capabilities and this is why yoga is a wonderful place to start. Most yoga classes accommodate all fitness levels but yoga therapy can assure a safer program for each individual. Its a way to improve an individuals specific needs through a safe guided practice meant for them alone. Yoga is a wonderful experience and doctors are now referring their patients to take yoga classes or yoga therapy lessens. I thought that was note-worthy news!

If you are a beginner or have injuries and decide to take a yoga class discuss with the teacher before-hand, so he/she can offer you regressions or modifications to poses that the class will be doing. Trust your gut when it comes to pushing yourself, go slow and listen to your body.

the health benefits of yoga and yoga therapy

Take a look and try one of my favorite poses:

Balasana: Childs pose

I wish you all the best on your yoga journey!

I really want to know what my readers are doing and thinking!!

  • Do you think yoga or yoga therapy could be for you?
  • What type of yoga do you like to practice?
  • Do you use yoga for weight loss, muscle development or for mental exercise?

Shante (Peace) and love,


If you have further questions about yoga/yoga therapy or if you are looking to start a fitness program with guidance book in a consultation call with me here.

I also provided a link to more on this growing yoga topic. It’s a wonderful article I found and wanted to share with you! Please come back and let me know what you think.

Yoga Therapy article! Please read!

Yoga Therapy Definition Site and Info: